How to Create a Conversion Crushing Course Sales Page!

Oliver Kenyon
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January 23, 2024
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Welcome to another session of ConversionWise. In this post, I will teach you how to create a conversion-crushing sales page for your online course.

But before we move on, I would like to make an announcement. If you are reading this session as a blog post on our website, watch the video session of this blog on our channel on YouTube, “ConversionWise“.

You can also join our free Facebook group, where we teach about getting higher conversions for your business and offer free audit sessions.

In this group, you will learn tips and tricks on how to build your business, increase sales, and improve the ROI of your online course or program.

Now that we’ve got that out of the way let’s start with our lesson!

All of our clients who work with us or people who have been with us for a long know we work on conversion design principles in every niche.

The principles start with AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) and continue to include a number of other elements.

But today, I want to focus specifically on Pages for courses.

If you have been with us for a good time, you know we have our own Conversion Design curse, and I will use our page as a reference because we have done hundreds of these pages, and there is no better case study than our own.

You can learn, make tweaks, and improve the things we do so you can create perfect Sales Pages for your own online course program.

Let’s start with the flow:

We follow AIDA almost religiously and have used it in our course age. But within these principles, we will add some sections above the fold. For instance, you are going to give unique value at the beginning of your Page.

What is unique about your page? What is going to change the game for your customers?

Example of our unique value proposition:


Do you see?

“Skyrocket your conversion rate or get your money back.” This is our unique value proposition.

First, we are giving a benefit, which is conversion rate and also displaying trust that we are really confident if we don’t improve your conversion rate, we will return your money. This big claim is we are promising that you will get your money back if you don’t see the results.

So, when you create your page, the biggest benefit of your course should be above the fold and highlighted with a big banner or image.

We have also applied the key principles of conversion design on our above-the-fold:

  • We have used imagery here
  • We have social proof – star rating and actual review
  • We got trust icons – payment icons that make the checkout process as smooth as possible
  • We have other accredited trust icons – brands that we have worked with

Next, in sales pages, we move to pique our audience’s interest. We need to keep them engaged and excited, so they want to learn more about what we have to offer. This is where we hit the pain points of the customers. This is where we say, “you know what, it sucks to have this pain. We have the solution, and if you keep learning with us, you are good to go.”

Identify what are the consumers’ issues,  what are their pain points, and talk about them.

Check the example of our course:

In the very next section, we have highlighted the problems our ideal audience must be facing:

You can read all the pain points on the course page.

This is when consumers feel, “This is the same problem I have been facing.” In short, the customer connects with your page and understands why they need your course.

Next, you need to establish authority. Why should you, as a provider of this course,e be the one to trust?

What makes you an expert? What makes you different from everyone else offering a similar course or program?

In this section, we have kept it very simple and very direct. How have we helped hundreds of landing pages, and have we helped businesses in a number of industries? What design principles have we implemented time and again that have made our clients successful?

So, we have developed interest, established, and authority by now. Now, let’s hit the solution.

We keep our solution very straightforward. We have taken each problem and pain point we discussed above and converted it into a solution. You can read the green text on

the course page that talks about the solutions we have for each pain point.

Another point to note is we use emojis and other strategies to keep the content engaging and entertaining.

Next, we are still focusing on selling them the solution with more information about who we are and what we do.

Here we are introducing our academy with a video message about who we are and what our team does. We introduce our team, which is a trusting factor because teams are human, and we display our team members as approachable, relatable, and trustworthy.

Next, we must repeat the call to action as often as possible. We want to ensure that the consumers know what they need to do next and where exactly they can find it.

But we are strategically building trust. As you can see, we have placed a real review here with again trusted payment icons. This is an excellent way to buffer your call to action and let the consumers know that you are trustworthy and can be trusted.

Next, you need to lead with more benefits after giving a call to action. You have given your solution, but now you need to give people the nitty-gritty of what they will get.

We have followed the problem, authority, and solution sequence. Now, hit them with benefits in a very creative and engaging way; if they are still reluctant to make the purchase decision, show them benefits and features to reassure them that they are making the right choice.

Next, lead them toward features. What features do you have? What are those features that other courses don’t have?

Features are something that is tangible. So, in this section, we have highlighted our features:

Do you see how each feature is framed as a benefit? This is important because we are making the consumers visualize everything in this course.

Next, we move into the value stack. What is the value stack?

People buy things because they perceive value in them. But people need to know what value you are giving them. How is it worth their time and money? That’s where the real power of value stacks comes into play.

We have emphasized money-saving, time-saving, and credibility. We have used these features or tactics to build a value stack on our course page.

As you can see, each stack shows how much time and money can be saved by taking our course.

It isn’t important to use this design when stating value stack. You can follow any design or style based on your niche.

Next is to overcome some objections. In our example, we have sorted who is the right person vs who is not.

We have created a comparison of who should take our course and who should not.

Next, we move toward the review section of the successful businesses that have worked with us and have skyrocketed their conversions by implementing our techniques.

This will again act as a trust factor and reassure the consumers that our course actually works and that they are making the right decision.

We use video reviews which are more engaging than text reviews. It is also a great way to build trust in the consumers.

Next, we have to go into the proof section. Reviews on sites like Trust Pilot, Sitejabber, and Google are a great way to prove that you have been successful in the past.

The next section is about Guarantee. This is very important to have because people need some sort of guarantee.

You can also reassure them with a money-back guarantee or something like that if they are still skeptical about making the purchase decision.

The next step is to briefly and clearly recap the bullet points here so that the consumers can quickly glance over everything to ensure they haven’t missed anything.

Since customers have come a long way down until the last section, it is important to have a clear recap of all the major important points they should know and take away.

The next step, which is the most important one, is to have a final call to action:

This has to be a very strategic section. Make sure to use trust icons here, provide value with your pricing and have 5-star reviews with real pictures of happy customers.

So, the last section is equally important. This is about FAQs.

Asking for the FAQs is a great way to get more conversions and allows you to cover up any possible doubts that potential consumers might have.

Right after the FAQ section, we need to add our last call to action section, in which we ask people to act right now. This can be done in various ways, such as offering a discount for a limited time or announcing a new product.

Overall, the key to creating a conversion-crushing course sales page is to lay out all of the necessary information clearly and concisely so that the consumers can easily understand everything that you have to offer. By doing this, you will be able to build trust and credibility with your customers, which will ultimately lead to higher conversions and more sales.


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ConversionWise Oliver Kenyon
Written by:Oliver KenyonFounderarrow
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